Thursday, May 10, 2007


They had booked a room in a five star hotel for me. I had one TV, one fleece-lined bed cover, a double net curtain on the windows and a bathroom with a towel for my feet etc, etc, etc…
But I arrived early and stayed two days in a place for back packers.

August. It was raining so much that I took refuge in a pub with Canon. Here, awaiting the lull, a guy asked me if I was a photographer. “No I am a tourist” I answered. We spoke awhile about his holidays in the south of Spain, Malaga. “Spain is a very good country but salaries are very low,” he said.The rain hadn’t finished falling when I decided to leave the place. I said goodbye to the guy and went out. Here on the pavement I shot a Mum with her little boy. Then I continued.
For three day, I traversed the entire city by foot, thinking so much of that love that I had just met. Love affairs come and go. They all have the same form even if their colours can be different.

He called me from there but I did not pick up. I entered the Museum Erotica

Walking and walking and walking… Close to the Little Mermaid, I took off my shoes. My feet were bloody.

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